Etiopatogenesis of Lung Tumors

Written By Anatomic on Selasa, 29 Maret 2011 | 09.26

Etiopatogenesis of Lung Tumors - As in cancer in general, definitely etiology of lung tumors is not known with certainty but is estimated to inhalation of carcinogens is a major factor. Carcinogenic substances of many highlighted is the cigarette.

1. Effect of Cigarette
There are enough facts to link smoking with lung tumors. Materials carcinogens contained in cigarette smoke include Polonium 210 and 3.4 Benzypyrene. The use of filter cigarettes is said to reduce the risk of lung tumors, but the risk for lung tumors in smokers remains higher than non-smokers. The risk of lung tumors increased 13 percent times in active smokers and 1.5 percent that in nonsmokers who are exposed to in a long time.

The incidence of lung tumors related to the total number of cigarettes smoked, and is usually expressed in "pack-cigarettes per year." As an example is someone who smokes as much as 2 pack per day for 20 years between 60-70 times increased risk compared with nonsmokers. When a smoker to stop the habit, then the new risk reduction appeared after 3 years of cessation and decreased risk will be like in non-smokers after 10-13 years. Smoking cigars or pipes are still no clear relationship with lung tumors. So also with whether there is a difference between smoking cigarettes and white.

Increased incidence of lung tumors in women is also influenced by the increased use of Smoking in women. Women have a greater relative risk per exposure than men ( 1.5 percent greater). These gender differences may be related to higher sensitivity to tobacco carcinogens in women.

With that in mind, it is natural that the primary prevention of lung tumors is an effort to combat smoking. Stopping an active smoker is at the same time save more than a passive smoker. But the ability to stop smoking is very difficult, because smoking causes addiction to nicotine. Preventing a person to smoke may be more effective, and this effort is likely to succeed if targeted at children and adolescents.

2. Effect of industrial exposure

Industrial materials which many associated with the incidence of lung tumors is asbestosis. Stated that asbestos can increase the risk as much as 60-10 times. Radioactive materials also are carcinogenic. Uranium miners have 4 times greater risk than the general population. Exposure to this industry usually only visible effect after 15-20 years.
Other jobs that increase the risk of lung tumors is a nickel miner, industries that use ion exchange resins and bis chloromethyl chloromethyl ether, chromite ore miners and industrial users of arsenic. Histological types of lung tumors are most often found in industrial exposure is epidermoid carcinoma and small cell carcinoma. Smoking increases the risk that already exist due to exposure to industrial materials.

3. Effect of other diseases / lung tumor predisposition for other diseases

Pulmonary tuberculosis is associated as a factor predisposing many lung tumors through mechanisms metaplasi hyperplasia. Carcinoma in situ of lung tumors is thought to occur as a result of scar tissue tuberculosis.

4. The influence of genetic and immunological status

Although lung tumors are not classified as a disease of genetic, molecular genetic studies have shown that lung tumors is due to several genetic lesions, including activation of dominant oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor or recessive oncogenes.

In addition, the involvement of enzyme Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH). More lung tumors found in people with AHH activity of moderate or high. This situation is likely to explain the role of cigarettes factor as one of the factors. AHH enzymes metabolize benzopyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons become more reactive carcinogens.

Immunological status of patients who monitored cellular immune response showed a correlation between the degree of cell differentiation, stage of disease, response to treatment, and prognosis. Anergy Patients generally do not give a good response to treatment and die sooner.

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